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Golden Throat - Throat Lozenges (2 packs/box)

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Golden Throat - Throat Lozenges (2 packs/box)

Product Details

NPN: 80031332
Net weight/specification: 6 pieces*2 packs
Contents: throat tablets (menthol, mountain silver flower, green fruit, eucalyptus oil, dendrobium, mangosteen, orange, star anise oil. Sucrose and glucose syrup are used as auxiliary materials)
Country of Origin: China
Storage method: Please store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
Instructions for use: Take it orally; 1 tablet at a time, 6 times a day.
Note: Pregnant women should use with caution. Diabetic patients and children should take it under the guidance of doctors.
[Functions and Indications] Dispelling wind and clearing heat, detoxifying and relieving sore throat. It is suitable for improving sore throat, dry burning, and hoarseness caused by acute pharyngitis.
※The above information is for reference only, please follow the instructions and precautions in the actual product box/manual before use.