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Mayinglong - Musk Hemorrhoid Ointment (10g/box)

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Mayinglong - Musk Hemorrhoid Ointment (10g/box)

Product Details

Net weight/specification: 10g
Contents: Musk hemorrhoid ointment (artificial musk, borax, borneol, calamine powder, artificial bezoar, pearls, amber.)
Country of Origin: China
Storage method: Please store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
Usage: For external use, apply to the affected area.
Note: It is prohibited to use during pregnancy, lactation, damaged skin, children under 3 years old, etc.

[Functions and Indications] Clearing away heat and drying dampness, promoting blood circulation and reducing swelling, removing putrefaction and promoting muscle growth. It is used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures caused by damp-heat stasis, with symptoms such as bleeding in the stool, pain, and a sinking feeling; it is also used for perianal eczema.

※The information above is for reference only. Please follow the instructions and precautions in the actual product box/manual before use.