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Yuzhu (454g/bag)

selling price
Yuzhu (454g/bag)

Product Details

Net weight: 454g
Specifications: N/A
Contents: Polygonatum odoratum
Country of Origin: China
Storage method: Please store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
NOTE: May contain sulfites
Polygonatum odorifera is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum odorifera, a plant in the Liliaceae family. It has the effects of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, promoting fluid production and quenching thirst. It is mainly used to treat upset and thirst, dry cough caused by lung dryness, dry mouth and sore throat. In addition, Polygonatum odoratum contains polysaccharides, vitamin A, etc., which can enhance the body's disease resistance. However, people with spleen deficiency and phlegm should not take it.
The pictures are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail; please consult a Chinese medicine practitioner for detailed medicinal and dietary treatments.